Sensible Smoker Says
...tobac-co-conspirators should stand up for their rights (at a reasonable distance, of course, and/or downwind.)
...smokers should show respect for their tobac-cohort. Solidarity among smokers!
...smokers shouldn’t combust when the well-meaning try to tobac-coerce you. Keep your tobac-cool!
Tag Archives: smoker
Applause for Tobacco – If Tepid
Remember when Herman Cain’s chief of staff casually smoked a cigarette near the end of one his candidate’s ads? Comedian Bill Maher made mention of it on his “Real Time with Me” HBO show Friday the 13th as he interviewed … Continue reading
Posted in Mutual Understanding, Smoking Life, Uncategorized
Tagged Bill Maher, campaign ad, HBO, Herman Cain, India, Real Time with Bill Maher, Sikh, smoker, smoking
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Poor, Poor Anti-Smoking Zealots
At first, a lot of people smoked because someone had told them to smoke (Marlboro Man, WWII, 9 out of 10 doctors, etc.) So, when the anti-smoking zealots told them to stop, they stopped. Then a bunch of other people … Continue reading
Sorry, Aussies, for Jumping to Conclusions
I castigated the Australians because of a newspaper headline from an anti-tobacco group that said banning smoking in all apartments Down Under was inevitable. But I never checked to see whether they were talking, in their charming and peppy accents, … Continue reading
Meanness is Contagious
Poor Wisconsin! In the budget cut/union busting battle, it seems like nobody has got an understanding word to spare about the desires of the other side. This seems un-Wisconsinite – the cheddar heads I know are kind and reasonable to … Continue reading